
It's the New Twenties and trans rights are under attack from Republicans.

I'm a middle aged trans woman (she/her) who started finding her identity in the 1990s and transitioned nearly a quarter century ago. I've helped many other trans people over the decades, and I've learned a thing or two about living in a transphobic country. As it grows more transphobic, I intend to hold onto life and my identity. Perhaps I can help you do the same.

Disclaimers and declarations, so you know where I stand with no BS:

  • No Safe Spaces for Fascists & Racists. Black Lives Matter. No human is "illegal".
  • Trans rights are human rights. LGB with the T, forever.
  • Protect trans kids from all threats. Other trans people are not the threat.
  • Free Palestine, prosecute and jail Netanyahu for war crimes against noncombatants. Palestinian self-rule NOW. Israelis OUT of the occupied territories.
  • Likewise: Prosecute Hamas for intentionally killing noncombatants; this is not self-defense. No government that targets civilians for death has authority. (See also: USA)
  • There are no winners in the oppression olympics. There will always be places where it is far more dangerous to be trans. That does not mean that we deserve discrimination here, or that we should not fight like hell against it. A worse problem elsewhere doesn't erase a less dire problem here. I'm not here for "at least this isn't [country]" cop-outs. I live in the US; I can only really help people here in the US. I won't be deterred.
  • ACAB, FTP. No cops at pride.
  • Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains.
  • I am not a lawyer and nothing on this blog will ever constitute legal advice.
  • I am not a doctor and nothing on this blog will ever constitute medical advice.
  • Be excellent to each other.

"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?"